Designed & Evaluation by DHS Foundation
UPACRI 2020 | 12 JULY 2020
Perficio Awards - UPACRI 2020
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought”.
Universal Perficio Awards is designed by the DHS Foundation, a distinguished gesture to felicitate the unique and versatile talents, who have attained success in different walks of life by walking the extra mile and have put in their best to achieve their desired dream. DHS Foundation’s mission is to identify their potential, talented self-made entrepreneurs, academicians, and many more in allied areas. The hair raising sagas of those individuals who succeeded by following the road less traveled and beguile their success stories by their rigourous efforts.Universal Perficio Awards’ 2020 vision is to trace these unsung heroes and to bring to limelight their success in society, unrecognized at any other platform. They are worthy of it, and DHS Foundation’s core vision is to identify those unique talents and provide the recognition to their true worth every year. The Universal Perficio Awards Ceremony, organized in collaboration with our versatile sponsors and brand contribution, is much more than just the participation in the award ceremony, making it outstanding and successful.
Award Categories
- Primary Education Beginners Awards
- Secondary Education Awards
- Senior Secondary Education Awards
- Non-Technical/ Technical Education
- Hospitality Industry
- Entrepreneur
- Social Service
- Medical and Health
Not Available
Not Available
for Awards :
for Conference & Paper :